Volume 0, Issue 3 (2008)                   JHM 2008, 0(3): 77-93 | Back to browse issues page

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pouraliakbar M. A Study on the Structure and Design of Shahnameh Baysonquri and Haft Orang - Jami Manuscript Books. JHM 2008; 0 (3) :77-93
URL: http://msa.modares.ac.ir/article-26-51-en.html
1- tmu
Abstract:   (18370 Views)
Abstract one of the most important purposes of studying Persian painting is to discover the mysteries of these traces and proving their relation with other Iranian and traditional art literature and with a special point of view showing their connection with the layout and grammar design in the past time. The growing of this art isn’t separated from the life of the adherents. And it’s to be effective on producing all traces of Persian painting, and always have related to the rich contents of Iranian literature; and to make available space for growing and raising the culture of this country. Traveilling through this way has created a wonderful force on personality of the painters, so that connected their mind with the principle source, away from the world powers. For studying and analyzing the structure of the two masterpieces of Persian painting of manuscript books (Shahnameh - Baysonquri and Haft Orang - Jami), the article is trying to point out and explain about the grammar design of these paintings and the way that these scientific method can be used in the new graphic arts
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Received: 1901/12/14 | Accepted: 1901/12/14 | Published: 2007/09/23

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